Our Projects
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Ongoing Projects
- Gegennarrative zum Klimaschutz
- HaloEtchFree
- ForForestInnovation
- Science Fit USW
- Z-T-G Wasserstoff
- Cro Woods
- TransBuild
- Innovation Camp BIG Bio
- Cycle Construction
- LCA-Tech
- Wood
- iNever
- Styriamat
- Sustainable business models in the service sector
- Swarmin
- EDIH innovate
- Active mobility and health
- BioPV
- Charging Rush Hour
- E-Track
- Carry me Home
- SuESS - Safe- and sustainability-by-design approaches for energy storage systems in a green and circular economy
- Mobility paths that move: Styrian access to people, goods and services in the context of global megatrends (Z-T-G 001)
- BELOW - Austrian bioeconomy futures: Limits to green growth
- HydroFRAME
- CE-PASS - Circular Economy - Digital Product Passport
- UniStrand - Next Generation Structural Wood Building Material
- ELANET - European Latin American Network in Support of Social Entrepreneurs
- ForestEcoValue
- WEGBEREITER - Preparation of a mobility laboratory for rural areas
- TRANSFLIGHT - Shaping the future of air travel - also on twitter
- TransFair - Low-carbon transition in Austria: Exploring social, financial and ethical dimensions of ambitious climate policy
- European network of FURan based chemicals and materials FOR a Sustainable development
- Biobased Multifunctional Laminates in Batteryhousings - BioLIB
- Modeling, Production and further Processing of Eco-Hybrid Structures and Materials - CARpenTiER
- Resilient forest value chains - enhancing resilience through natural and socio-economic responses - RESONATE
- CDL (Christian Doppler Laboratory for Sustainable Product Management in a Circular Economy)
- Fit for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - Forecasts of the population development of the city of Graz (FIT4BA)
- Fit for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - Real-time logistics optimisation for disposal at construction sites (FIT4BA)
Completed Projects
- GeKA
- PCM Storage
- Safety assessment of flow battery electrolytes - SABATLE
- Identification of opinion leaders, enabler technologies and technology adoption paths of smart energy technologies - METSET
- Regional and sustainable business models for the alpine region
- Innovation portfolio management in waste management
- Polarities and (un)shared goals
- Circular Economy: Sustainability implications and guiding progress (CRESTING)
- 1,2,3 - Packaging free
- Potential analysis circular economy
- Charging Rushhour - Grid Congestion due to Simultaneous Charging of Electric Cars: Affected Regions and Counter Strategies
- GEL - Open Data Platform
- Start Circles - Supporting TrAnsition from lineaR To CIRCuLar valuE chainS
- digi@homework: Digital media use in the workplace
- Flippr² - Future Lignin and Pulp Processing Research PROCESS INTEGRATION [PDF]
- Wood for Automotive Applications - WoodC.A.R.
- digi@work: Digital media use in the workplace
- FLIPPR - Future Lignin and Pulp Processing Research [PDF Summary]
- IN-BEE - Assessing the intangibles: the socio-economic benefits of Energy Efficiency
- AKRosAII - Processing of Critical Raw Materials from Special Waste Streams
- AKRoSa - Processing of critical raw materials from special waste streams
- Endowment Chair: Energy and Resource Innovation
- PoSsibLe: Joint Program for Sustainability Leadership
- TRIBE - Training Behavious Towards Energy Efficiency - Play it!
- Energy Sponge Bruck an der Mur
- KNOWLEDGE - Transition towards smart living [PDF Summary]
- Reshape - Transition towards sustainable energy [PDF Summary]
- SustainHub - Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Ecowise - Sustainability Reporting
- CEA - CO2 Emissions Trading and the Waste Industry
- Implementation of a Corporate Climate Change Strategy
- Science Fit
- RISK - Risk Assessment of Pesticide Application
- Options for Disposing Diapers
- Value and Benefits of Commercial Waste Management Solutions
- MaRingA
- Alps - Transitions of Common Property Pastures in the Swiss Alps
- Shared Space
- FoSentHE - Fostering Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
- TO-INNOEN - Innovation Module for Engineering Programs
- KBB - Knowledge for Business in Border Regions
- Farm-Clim - Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emission
- TERIM - Transition Dynamics in Energy Regions