The term multiple benefits has been developed by the International Energy Agency and is related to social, economic and environmental benefits that derive from energy efficiency improvements, in addition to energy savings. Most of these benefits have been identified in the implementation plans of Styrian Energy Regions such as the creation of new jobs, health and well-being, or the reduction of CO2 emissions. But Energy Regions also present their own characteristics, since one of their main aims is to support the energy transition and the production of energy from renewable sources through bottom-up approaches (e.g., specific business models where the inhabitants of the Energy Region finance the installation of solar panels, called “Bürgerbeteiligungsmodelle”). The vision and activities in Energy Regions hence create additional benefits such as a multiple stakeholder involvement, an increased acceptance for technological changes, and a stronger identification of the local inhabitants with their region.
This project has been running from March 2015 until March 2017 and further information on our findings and project partners´ work is available on the IN-BEE website at: